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Have you seen some of these headlines and stories lately?
"Woman Attempts Robbery, Tries To Eat Note"
"Man Charged With Stealing Firefighter's Helmet"
"Woman's Gun Stolen After Leaving It In Restroom"
"Police Seek Bank Robber Who Handed Out $100 Bills"
"Mom Turns In Son For Stealing Drugs From Her Bra"
I didn't make up a single one of those headlines, and I've read the articles associated with each of them. I could have provided a dozen more, easily, just from the month of May, and it's only the 10th of the month!
What I've discovered is this: robbers and burglars, by and large, aren't a very smart group of people and will do some very stupid things. Herein lies the problem. When putting together a home security plan to protect you, your family, and your personal property it's hard to factor in "stupid criminals".
Fortunately, comprehensive home security is about dealing with variables, in the "stupid criminal" variable. Here are some examples:
A burglar will hide in the shadows on your property. This is true, so your comprehensive home security plan should include such things as removing objects from your yard behind which they can hide; keeping your hedges and bushes trimmed so burglars can't use them as hiding spots; install exterior lighting to illuminate problem areas in your yard.
Burglars check for unlocked doors and windows. This not only makes perfect sense, but it's entirely true. Most home are broken into by way of an open window or unlocked door. The solution, as part of your comprehensive home security plan, is to keep your doors and windows locked, install strong sash locks on your windows, and deadbolt locks on all of your exterior doors.
While burglars will rob you any time, day or night, if they think you're not at home they'll be more likely to strike. Again, as part of your comprehensive home security plan you need to make provisions for making it appear as though people are at home, particularly when you aren't. Make arrangements for mail and packages to be picked up while you're away; have someone mow your lawn or shovel your walks when you're away for an extended period; put lamps, television, and radios on timers to turn on and off at random times. These things will give the appearance that someone is home.
Whether it's pure dumb luck or not, homes without a security system like a monitored ADT alarm installed get burglarized three times more often than homes with one. Apply the tips mentioned above and have an ADT monitored system installed in your home today, they even come with window decals and yard signs so you can proudly advertise the fact that your home is professionally protected. Maybe that's how burglars know which homes to rob and which to avoid!